Sunday, August 24, 2008

i heart typing "blaaake"

georgette had a lot to say about amy and blaaake to the news of the world, so much so i had to split the article's contents into two posts. that's a lie; the truth is i like to get in as many "blaaake" items in as possible. there is nothing more satisfying than typing blaaake. my pinky finger loves the little dance that typing 3 a's in a row requires. blaaake! blaaake! blaaake! wheee! thanks again, dlisted!

anyway, it sounds like a vacation in blaaake's new cell. georgette says:

“Blake’s been given his own room with an ensuite shower...He also has a TV, CD player and a shelf full of books in his room...He even has his own key so he can lock himself in if he wants privacy...It’s so much nicer than Pentonville, which was the pitts...Edmunds Hill is a really clean and lovely nick...And the difference in Blake since he’s been in there is absolutely amazing...Unlike in Pentonville, no one taunts him about Amy...They are respectful and don’t even mention her name to him...Instead of doing work in prison, Blake has chosen to do an educational course to keep him busy and is doing art and writing...They are preparing him for life on the outside...But he will be very disappointed with Amy’s behaviour...The video will come as a bitter blow to him.”

ensuite shower, tv, cd player, shelf full of books...sounds better than most dorm rooms! my first apartment was a shit hole compared to blaaake's prison mansion. i once lived in an apartment with a tv so crappy it had no remote and you had to stroke it * just * right to turn the volume up/down. and i considered myself lucky to watch fuzzy episodes of the simpsons on sundays. blaaake probably has a remote even though he can reach the tv from his bed.

although i'm pretty liberal, it annoys me to hear about convicts taking advantage of free education in jail when it's so expensive for the rest of us law abiding citizens. but judging from blaaake's sexy fun time letters to a fellow jailbird, he could use some lessons in grammar.


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